Those lucky enough to participate in 2024 - Restena’s flagship event to raise awareness of its community on computer security issues and challenges – met Hex. Wearing a black hoodie, just like all the members of the event’s organisation, the little stuffed animal on the speakers' desk was presented to the public for the first time. Who is he/she? We talked with her/him.
Hex, who are you exactly?
My name is Hex and I am a stuffed raccoon. Despite my smile and the softness of my fur, I have more than one trick up my sleeve to protect myself and deal with cyber-attacks. My Restena friends quickly integrated me into the team. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the person who came up with the name. Without her, my identity would have been incomplete.
How did you get to Restena?
At Restena, many people are working to raise awareness of computer security issues within the research and education community. They were looking for a kind of ‘spokesperson’ for those kind of activities… and that's where I come in. I'm deeply honored to have been chosen as their mascot.
But, why you, and not a representative of another animal species?
If I understood well, the characteristics often associated with raccoons are particularly representative of those that human beings should have in their interaction with the cyber world. I heard a few terms like curiosity, intelligence, adaptability and self-defense… That's very flattering to be set up as a model.
What will you do at Restena?
That’s easy. I'll try to go along with the cybersecurity awareness messages. I am not planning to take centre stage, it’s quit ethe opposite. Real experts are my Restena friends. I will simply give them a helping hand. If I can distil some additional advice or support the messages provided by the security team, I would be pleased to take action.
What's your main piece of advice?
I would say combining vigilance, good practice, respect and taking responsibility for one's actions is already a first ideal blend to move forward a more secure cyber world. Whatever people say, computer security is everyone’s responsibility. And even though this may seem difficult to grasp, we must take a minimum interest in it. That's what computer security awareness is all about.
Where will you be next?
My agenda is gradually filling up, but what's certain is that I'll be taking part in Restena's next awareness-raising events. The next one is planned in January for the Data Protection Day (ndlr, Data Privacy Day on 28 January 2025).
I also take part in the series of tip-sheet written by Restena and addressing IT security issues. You'll be hearing more about this shortly. I can only already say that tat a seventh tip sheet is being prepared.
How do you see your actions over the long term?
I've only just arrived at Restena and still have a lot of things to explore. But I don't intend to stop at events and tip sheets. I think I’ll be part of the on-demand phishing campaigns offered by Restena. They are information sessions designed to raise awareness on phishing among staff and/or students at institutions belonging to the Restena community, while testing their reaction to such a threat. I've read the programme and it's well worth the time!
I would also like to invite all member institutions of the research and education community in Luxembourg to contact Restena to set up such a campaign. All you need to do is contact the Computer Security Incident Response Team service (CSIRT) at