

Ensuring effective, relevant, high-value, and competitive research and innovation activity throughout Europe


Research and innovation activities are strategic for every country, region, or continent wanting to source new solutions to social problems or remain competitive on the world market. In Europe, and, closer to home, in the Greater Region and in Luxembourg, many funding initiatives for research projects are regularly proposed, confirming the importance of this sector for the economy. 

Research projects mostly involve collaboration, partnerships, and even discussions between different institutions from all countries. With projects, an institution's location is not important, it is rather the fields of expertise, knowledge, or the scope of research that relate to project goals that matter.  Consequently a common, stable, and secure infrastructure with balanced performance between each of the countries is crucial.

Innovation and ambition

With GÉANT's projects, project partners aim to ensure effective, relevant, high-value, and competitive research and innovation activity throughout Europe. They also want to foster partnerships of equal quality between countries so that all researchers across Europe can access an equally high-performing network in terms of research infrastructure as well as available electronic infrastructure. 

To achieve this, the project relies on national network infrastructure dedicated to stakeholders in research and education. This infrastructure is managed in each country by an institution acting as a National Research and Education Network (NREN), which is the Restena Foundation in Luxembourg.

Luxembourg involvement

As the NREN for Luxembourg, the Restena Foundation is one of 39 partners of the GÉANT project. It implements different services offered and developed in the framework of the project in Luxembourg, such as eduroam and eduID (eduGAIN) and participates in their creation and assessment.

The Restena Foundation also plays an active role in the eduroam service, specifically in the international eduroam R&D team. It coordinates and supports the technical contacts appointed by the participating organisations, and more besides. It also maintains links both with the European and worldwide eduroam community and their authentication servers and contributes towards the development of the eduroam concept.

With GN5-2, Restena's role in the GÉANT project suite is expanding. Within the Work Package dedicated to security, Restena is more specifically involved in the sub-task dealing with security management and compliance baseline, standards and best practices. It will collect and guide, inter alia, the project partners in implementing new legislative requirements, improving security (and privacy) control, and using international standards.

More details on the project

Who will be impacted?

Connected Establishments, Higher-Education Establishments, Research Centres, Cultural Institutions, Primary and Secondary Schools, Hospital Lecturers, Students, Researchers, Administrators

Some useful information

GÉANT is jointly funded by European NRENs and the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant number 101194278 (GN5-2).