Our history

Founded in 2000, the Restena Foundation has its origins in a project launched 11 years earlier, even before Luxembourg was connected to the internet, which quickly allowed educational and research employees in Luxembourg to benefit from a high-performance, dedicated international connection.

Our timeline


1989: RESTENA project launched by the Ministry of Education to meet the communication needs of education and scientific research institutions in the country. Restena Office Picture
1990: Commissioning of the first network server allowing researchers to benefit from national and international connections (X.400).
1991: Integration of the RESTENA network into the X.400 research network infrastructure.
Restena Office Picture


  • Obtaining of the authority to manage the .lu domain, through the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), allowing us to operate the .lu domain name server.
  • International connection to the EuropaNET European network nodes and the United States via IBM, MCI and the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Milestones of 1992

  • First connection from Luxembourg to the internet
  • 100% of higher education and research establishments connected 
  • International connection at 64Kbit/s 


1993: Provision of an Internet e-mail address for all students of the Higher Institute of Technology (IST).
1994: Internet connection of future commercial internet service providers (ISPs) in Luxembourg via temporary access from Restena and launch of the ‘dial-in’ service for individual users.
1995: Connection of schools with Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) technology and implementation of a web page hosting service.
1996: The majority of secondary schools have a leased line connection. 
1998: Establishment of the Luxembourg Internet Exchange (LIX), a national traffic exchange point for Internet Service Providers.
1999: Connection to the pan-European TEN-155 network as part of the QUANTUM Project.

Milestones of 1997

  • Around 2,500 researchers and teachers use RESTENA services to connect to the internet
  • International connection at 4Mbit/s


The RESTENA project establishes the Restena Foundation


2001: Connection of the national infrastructure to the pan-European research network GÉANT, in particular allowing access to research networks in the United States (Internet2).
2005: Provision of the Education Roaming (eduroam) service to access wireless roaming within the national network and abroad.
2009: Launch of the cross-border INTERREG IVA project iot@ aimed at creating cross-border networking links between internet networks dedicated to teaching and research in the Greater Region: Wallonia (Belgium), Lorraine (France) and Luxembourg.

Milestones of 2008

  • Management of 10,000 electronic mail boxes

Milestones of 2009

  • 10,000 users of RESTENA services


  • Creation in Esch-sur-Alzette of a cross-border networking optical node to interconnect Belgian, German, French and Luxembourg infrastructure.
  • Establishment of a Computer Security Incident Response Team (RESTENA-CSIRT) to support and co-ordinate the response to IT security incidents in the community.
  • Access via the GÉANT network to research networks in Russia and Asia.



Transfer of the Luxembourg Internet eXchange (LIX) platform to LU-CIX and protection of .lu with cryptographic keys thanks to Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) technology.

Milestones of 2011-2013


  • 10 active nodes make up the topology of the national network


  • Internet connection at 10Gbit/s


  • 15,000 users of RESTENA services



Relocation of the Restena Foundation to the heart of the ‘Cité des Sciences’ in the Belval district of Esch-sur-Alzette.


Handling of the daily technical management of the LU-CIX platform, the internet exchange node of Luxembourg.

Milestones of 2015-2019


  • Management of more than 79,000 electronic mailboxes


  • 45,000 potential users of eduroam in Luxembourg


  • GÉANT connection at 100Gbit/s
  • 500 institutions connected to the RESTENA Network
  • Registration of the 100,000th .lu domain name



Signature of a first multi-year agreement with the Luxembourg State and ISO/IEC27001 certification for Restena's information security management system (ISMS) 

Milestones of 2020-2025


  • 12 active nodes make up the topology of the national network