.lu Service

DNS Firewall

Since January 2025, members of the Luxembourg research and education community have been benefitting from a new service: a pre-configured DNS firewall, that can be customised to the institution’s needs and specificities.

A career devoted to the RESTENA network

The last person from the early days of the RESTENA network to walk the corridors of the Restena Foundation, Alain Frieden is ending his career after 35 years. The retirement of this pioneer is an ...

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Cloud suppliers and opportunities for 2025-2029

Up to seven platforms offering cloud solutions to the European research and education community have renewed their commitment with the Luxembourg organisations for the 2025-2029 period thanks to ...

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Intensifying the protection of your IT network

Since January 2025, members of the Luxembourg research and education community have been benefitting from a new service: a pre-configured DNS firewall, that can be customised to the institution’s ...

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Get to know us

The Restena Foundation helps to bring together telecommunication infrastructure for research and education. We provide interconnection, network and security services for a nationwide user community in the sectors of education and research, as well as culture, health and administration.

We also co-ordinate internet resources at the national level. We manage the .lu domain name registration infrastructure and most of the technical operations of the LU-CIX internet traffic exchange platform.


Next Generation Security Operator Training Infrastructure (NGSOTI)

Mettre en place une infrastructure de formation open-source pour la formation pratique des opérateurs-rices SOC aux alertes basée sur des données réelles.


Enhancing Cybersecurity Services for the Luxembourgish Research and Education community (LuCySe4RE)

Improving protection against the cybersecurity risks faced by the Luxembourg research and education community.


Luxembourg Experimental Network for Quantum Communication Infrastructure (LUX4QCI)

Locking and authenticating your domain name.


Domain names in 1 and 2 characters

Registering a domain name with one or two characters becomes possible.


LU-CIX backbone management

Technical management of the national internet traffic exchange node.


08-10.04 Participation, Intervention

Security Days 2025

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12-16.05 Participation