As the manager of the national network infrastructure interconnecting Luxembourg institutions in the sectors of research and education, both among themselves, and with their European counterparts, the Restena Foundation offers its users a high-performance infrastructure able to serve demanding research projects.

A powerful research and education infrastructure
Designing and operating the national network infrastructure dedicated to players in research and education in Luxembourg not only forms the cornerstone of our skills, but above all that of our mission. We are a National Research and Education Network (NREN) as they exist in various parts of the world.
We provide a flexible and secure network with a very high state-of-the-art connection capacity. We maintain this physical infrastructure, but beyond that, we develop it according to the needs of our users. Thanks to this, we contribute to the influence and efficiency of research and education beyond the borders of Luxembourg.
A national infrastructure connected internationally

National network
Thanks to our PoPs (Point of Presence) distributed throughout the country, we optimise the resources of our network infrastructure and provide all our connected institutions with a minimum access capacity of 1Gbit/s.
To carry traffic, we essentially use dark fibre which we have combined for optimal efficiency with Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology.
This technology, which allows us to send multiple signals in the same optical fibre, allows us to set up point-to-point links at the request of our users from 10 to 100Gbit/s for research projects, a major asset for Luxembourg innovation requiring such performance levels.

Cross-border and international connections
We have integrated the National Research and Education infrastructure network in Luxembourg within the GÉANT pan-European research network. As a result of this, we work with our counterparts in more than 40 countries and have access to research networks in the United States, Latin America, Russia and Asia. The bandwidth of this connection, and our national infrastructure reaches 100Gbit/s, allowing us to not only guarantee the optimal efficiency of our infrastructure but also to fully meet the national requirements in terms of performance and network access.
Closer to home, with our counterparts in Wallonia (Belgium) and Lorraine (France) we have set up a very high-speed telecommunications infrastructure that is complementary to the GÉANT European network. This dark fibre cross-border network provides additional direct connectivity to neighbouring research networks through links to Arlon, Longwy, Luxembourg and Nancy, whose central interconnection node is located at one of our points of presence in the south of Luxembourg.
Our service offering
In addition to connection to the National Research and Education Network, we offer connected institutions many additional services. Available on request, they allow such institutions to benefit from and exploit our network optimally.
A network serving a community
The use of resources and services of the National Research and Education Network is open to institutions based in Luxembourg operating in the sectors of education, research, culture, health and administration, namely:
- public and private schools offering primary, secondary and post-secondary education;
- public and private research centres;
- libraries and museums;
- hospitals;
- government bodies;
- international organisations;
- start-ups located on technology transfer campuses.

Organisations connected to the RESTENA network
The organisations listed below are beneficiaries of the resources and services of the Luxembourg Research and Education Network managed by the Restena Foundation.
Higher education institutions
Post-primary education institutions
- Atert-Lycée Redange
- Athénée de Luxembourg
- École d'Hôtellerie et de Tourisme du Luxembourg
- École de Commerce et de Gestion
- École Européenne
- École Européenne II
- École Internationale Differdange & Esch-sur-Alzette
- École internationale Mersch Anne Beffort
- École Internationale Mondorf-les-Bains
- École nationale pour adultes
- École privée Fieldgen
- École privée Marie-Consolatrice
- École privée Notre-Dame Sainte-Sophie
- École privée Sainte-Anne
- International School of Luxembourg
- Lënster Lycée
- Lycée Aline Mayrisch
- Lycée Bel-val
- Lycée Classique d'Echternach
- Lycée Classique de Diekirch (Diekirch & Mersch)
- Lycée de Garçons Esch-sur-Alzette
- Lycée de Garçons Luxembourg
- Lycée des Arts et Métiers (Limpertsberg, Dommeldange et Annexe Congrégation)
- Lycée du Nord
- Lycée Edward Steichen
- Lycée Ermesinde
- Lycée Guillaume Kroll
- Lycée Hubert Clément Esch-sur-Alzette
- Lycée Josy Barthel Mamer
- Lycée Michel Lucius
- Lycée Michel-Rodange Luxembourg
- Lycée Nic Biever
- Lycée privé Emile Metz
- Lycée Robert-Schuman Luxembourg
- Lycée Sport-Etudes (Sport Lycée)
- Lycée Technique Agricole
- Lycée Technique de Bonnevoie
- Lycée Technique de Lallange
- Lycée Technique du Centre
- Lycée Technique Ettelbruck
- Lycée Technique Mathias Adam (Pétange & Differdange)
- Lycée Technique Nic Biever
- Lycée Technique pour Professions de Santé
- Lycée Technique pour Professions Éducatives et Sociales
- Maacher Lycée
- Nordstad Lycée
- Schengen Lyzeum Perl
- St George’s International School Luxembourg
Primary education institutions
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Bettembourg
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Hesperange
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Junglinster
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Kärjeng
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Lintgen
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Lorentzweiler
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Mamer
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Mondercange
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Pétange
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Préizerdaul
- Écoles fondamentales de la Commune de Roeser
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville d'Ettelbruck
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville de Diekirch
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville de Differdange
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville de Dudelange
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville de Luxembourg (via Technolink)
- Écoles fondamentales de la Ville de Mersch
Differentiated education
- Centre d'éducation différenciée et centre de propédeutique professionnelle de Warken
- Centre de logopédie
- Centres d'Education Différenciée régionaux
- Institut pour Déficients Visuels
Centres for professional training and training for adults
- Centre de Formation Professionnelle Continue DeWidong
- Chambre des Métiers Luxembourg - Centre de formation
- CNFPC (Esch, Belval, Ettelbruck et Strassen)
- Digital Learning Hub
- Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale
- Institut national des langues (Luxembourg et Mersch)
- Service de la formation des adultes
Research institutes
- Centre d'Études et de Recherches Européennes Robert Schuman
- Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie
- Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe
- Fondation de Recherche Cancer et Sang - Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du Cancer
- Fonds National de la Recherche
- Institut d'Etudes Européennes et Internationales du Luxembourg
- Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg
- Laboratoire National de Santé
- LIS: Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg
- Luxembourg Institute of Health
- Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Belval et Belvaux)
- Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
- Luxembourg Space Agency
- Luxinnovation GIE
- LuxProvide S.A.
- Max-Planck-Institute Luxembourg
- Technoport s.a
- Université du Luxembourg - Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine
Cultural institutions
- Casino Luxembourg Forum d'art contemporain
- Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster
- Centre National de l'Audiovisuel
- Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
- Etablissement public Salle de Concerts Grande-Duchesse Josephine-Charlotte
- Zenter fir d'Lëtzebuerger Sprooch
- Fondation Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean
- Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle
- Action locale pour jeunes - centres régionaux
- Centre de Documentation et d'Information sur l'Enseignement Superieur
- Centre de gestion informatique de l'éducation
- Centre de Psychologie et d'Orientation Scolaires
- Directions de l’enseignement fondamental - bureaux régionaux
- Edupôle (IFEN, Script, CCPE, Anefore, CGIE, Restopolis, ...)
- Institut de formation de l'éducation nationale
- Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse
- Service National de la Jeunesse
- Autres bureaux et services du Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
All connected organisations are governed by the general terms and conditions of use of the Restena Foundation’s services.