Since 1 February 2022, the Restena Foundation has offered users of its national network for research and education, also known as RESTENA, the possibility of testing the speed and quality of their Internet connections via Thanks to this measurement tool - provided by the Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR) and open to all since 2018 - the IT departments of institutions connected to the RESTENA network can monitor and evaluate the performance of the internet access service provided to their institution.
A more efficient Luxembourg tool
The measurement servers used by are not merely offered by a Luxembourg institution. They are located at the national Internet traffic exchange node LU-CIX, for which Restena provides the technical management.
Centralised nationally,'s servers have ten times the bandwidth of the speedtest instance, which Restena has used for the past six years. With the servers, RESTENA network users can now test bandwidths of up to 10 Gbit/s. They also have additional access to their tests as they can use the mobile application offered by the ILR in addition to the computer version.

A dedicated service for monitoring network performance
This new measurement tool is an integral part of the performance monitoring service, one of the many network services offered by Restena to its community, which allows precise monitoring of the operation of servers, applications or network equipment.
In addition to this interactive bandwidth test to be carried out directly by the user, service availability tests - subject to notification by e-mail or SMS to the institution - are also offered to the beneficiaries of the performance monitoring service. Users thus receive real-time warnings of problems that may occur across their networks.
Institutions connected to the RESTENA network - research institutes, educational and cultural institutions in Luxembourg - willing to benefit from the performance monitoring service can notify their interest to