
VPN Certificate Renewal for Windows


The Restena Foundation invites all users of its VPN service using Windows operating system to update their certificates before 8 October 2020 as part of server certificate renewal.

To ensure the proper functioning of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), a certificate must be installed by all users wishing to use it. By allowing the client and the VPN server to identify each other, communication flows between the user's workstation and the network are secured. However, in order to ensure a high level of security, the certificate has to be regularly renewed.

On 8 October 2020, this will be the case for the certificate related to the Restena Foundation’s VPN service, which allows any RESTENA user connected outside of RESTENA Intranet services that cannot be accessed externally, or external services - such as accessing student file applications - access to which is restricted to the RESTENA network. However, the renewal only concerns users operating under a Windows environment. The latter are therefore invited to individually update the certificate on each IT device (computer, tablet or smartphone) running in the Windows environment, that they have connected to the RESTENA network.

To ensure service continuity, users are invited to update their certificate - valid for 6 years – as of now on and before Thursday 8 October 2020 by following the instructions below (also available in section 4.1 of the configuration manual, available in French, Configurer son accès au réseau virtuel privé):

  1. Download the new certificate from our website: RestenaVPN.zip
  2. locally unzip the ZIP file on your device. 
  3. Login as administrator on your device, then make a right click with the mouse on the file 'certinstall' and choose ‘Run as administrator’. 

RESTENA users using Apple operating systems, whose mutual identification is processed in another manner, are not affected by the renewal.

>> For further questions, please contact our Helpdesk team at helpdesk@restena.lu.

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